They say Aging.  We say Ageless!

The Science of Beauty

Derma CELESTY Jewelry Gel

Formulated with Pure Collagen that reveals a captivatingly beautiful and glowing skin like a precious gem.


Because of its elastic properties, the liquid gel when applied on skin will return to its original form. Unlike any other gel product, it also has a property that maintain its freshness.

Derma CELESTY Jewelry Gel has a non-invasive formula, also called the 3D cell reconstructive fitting gel. It binds with the skin’s natural moisture to penetrate deep into the skin to promote healthy skin tissue.

Formulated with the finest ingredients:

· Hydrolyzed Collagen- a scientifically advanced anti-aging and moisturizing formula. Because of its low molecular property, it is easily absorbed deep into the skin layer in as little as few minutes. This formula restores the damaged, lost and diminished collagen and repairs skin tissue from within.

· Placental Protein- it compliments and further enhances the effectiveness of the collagen giving your skin a firm, supple and elastic feel.

· Soymilk Ferment – a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent for skin. Soy extract is widely used in anti-aging products due to its rich components that have a collagen-stimulating effect.

· Hyaluronic Acid - it plays a significant part in tissue function. It ensures that tissue within the skin are properly hydrated and lubricated to improve body and facial skin making it tighter and firmer.

How to use:

1. Wash your face with soap and water.

2. Dry face with a clean towel.

3. Apply and massage liquid gel on your face in an upwards and circular motion.


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